Auto Cross 
An Auto cross is a timed racing event where one car at a time negotiates a course constructed with traffic cones.

Cars and Coffee          
Usually on a Saturday morning, just a short little gathering of like minded auto enthusiasts getting together, you got it, for Coffee. Coming to a parking lot near you. 

Concours d’Elegance          
This is a car show where cars are judged for rarity, beauty, elegance and cleanliness. See: http://www.forestgroveconcours.org

Cruise In
This is a social event where cars are driven to a destination which usually includes a show and shine of your car.

Emergency Card (not currently used, but can be established)
This is a list of phone numbers of members to call in case you need help or know of an emergency with which members could help.

High School Home Coming Rides 
Corvettes are used as limousines to carry members of high school home coming courts around a football field or wherever they choose during half time of a football game. Queens and/or Kings set on the deck of Corvettes in formal wear.

This is an acronym for Northwest Association of Corvette Clubs. NWACC is made up of Corvette Clubs in Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. Their web site is: http://www.nwacconline.com

Parade Drive  
WVCA participates in local community parades and carry dignitaries or court members on our Corvettes.

Phone Tree (not currently used, but can be established)
Communicating urgent information or special notices can be accomplished by using the phone tree. It is a list of WVCA telephone numbers which is arranged so one member calls one or more other members on the list until all members are called.   The process can be started by contacting a WVCA officer.

This is an event where a driver and a navigator travel from one place to a destination by following detailed written instructions.

Sanctioned Events
These are events which have been approved by the membership at a regular or special meeting so those activities will be covered by our liability insurance and participation points will be awarded.

Save the Wave  
There is a Corvette tradition to wave to fellow Corvette owners.
See: http://www.corvetteactioncenter.com/history/wave.html

Show and Shine 
This is a Car show or display which may or may not be judged.

Mystery Tour 
This is a tour of Corvette owners traveling to a destination which may be known only to the organizers.

Revision date: 18 January 2022, ks

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